Kiboko (Hippopotamus)
Kiboko (Hippopotamus
amphibius) ni mamalia mkubwa wa
familia ya Hippopotamidae. Nyumbani kwake ni bara la Afrika. Huishi kwenye
maji ya mito na maziwa lakini ana uwezo wa kutembea kwenye nchi kavu. Chakula chake ni majani. Urefu wake ni mita 4.5. Uzito wake ni kati ya
kilogramu 2700 na 4500 kg. Viboko huishi
majini na nchi kavu, hasa kwenye maziwa na mito ambako viboko dume huishi
kwenye sehemu kubwa ya mto na jike na watoto 5 mpaka 30. Wakati wa mchana
hubaki wametulia kwa kukaa ndani ya maji au matope. Kuzaliana na kuzaa watoto
vyote hutokea ndani ya maji.(Hippopotamus is the largest mammal Hippopotamidae family. His home is the continent of Africa. Lives in waters of rivers and lakes, but has the ability to walk on land. His food is grass. Its length is 4.5 meters. His weight is between 2700 kg and 4500 kg. Hippos live aquatic and terrestrial, especially in lakes and rivers where corporal males living in large parts of the river and female and children 5 to 30. During the day, it remains have ceased to stay in the water or mud. Breed and give birth to all children occurs in the water).
anatambulika kwa kinywa na meno yake makubwa, mwili usio na nywele, miguu
mifupi na umbo kubwa. Ni mnyama wa ardhi wa tatu kwa ukubwa akiwa na uzito
(kati ya tani 1.5 na 3.5). Licha ya umbo lake la kujaa na miguu mifupi, kiboko huweza
kumshinda mbio binadamu kwa urahisi. Kiboko pia katika mbio fupi wanafikia
mpaka kasi ya km 29/saa. Kiboko
huishi kwa miaka 40 mpaka 50. (Hippopotamus is recognized by its large mouth and teeth, hair-free body, short legs and great shape. It is a creature of the earth's third-largest having a weight (between 1.5 and 3.5 tons). Despite his form of flats and short legs, hippopotamus can easily defeat the human race. Hippopotamus also in the short run until the speed reaches 29 km / hour. Hippopotamus live for 40 to 50 years.).
aliyewahi kuripotiwa kuwa na umri mkubwa zaidi aliitwa Tanga, aliishi huko
Munich, Ujerumani na alifariki mnamo 1995 akiwa na umri wa miaka 61. Macho,
masikio na pua za kiboko yapo juu ya fuvu la kichwa. Hii huwaruhusu kuzamisha
sehemu kubwa ya mwili wao kwenye maji au matope na kupata ubaridi kujizuia na
mwanga mkali wa jua. (Hippopotamus has ever been reported to be older than he was called Tanga, lived in Munich, Germany and died in 1995 at the age of 61. The eyes, ears and nose of hippopotamus sits on the skull. This allows a large part of the body to dip them in water or mud to get cold restraint and bright light of the sun).
Viboko wakiwa majini
Ngozi zao hutoa majimaji mekundu kwa ajili ya kuzuia kuungua na jua. Majimaji hayo huitwa pia ‘jasho jekundu’, japo si damu wala jasho. Majimaji haya mwanzoni huwa hayana rangi lakini baada ya dakika kadhaa huwa mekundu, na baada ya muda huwa ya kijivu. Kemikali mbili zimetambuliwa ndani yake, ‘hipposudoric acid’ na ‘norhipposudiric acid’ ambazo zote zina asili ya asidi . (Their skin produces red liquid to prevent burns from the sun. These fluids are called the 'sweat red', although not blood nor sweat. These fluids do not contain color initially but after a few minutes becomes red, and soon becomes gray. Two chemicals have been identified in it, 'hipposudoric acid' and 'norhipposudiric acid' which all have the nature of the acid).
Mamba (Crocodile)
Mamba au ngwena ni spishi kubwa za reptilia za oda Crocodilia. Mamba wanaishi majini na hupatikana maeneo
mengi ya kitropiki katika Africa, Asia na Australia, Amerika. Mamba hupenda
kuishi katika maji baridi kama vile maziwa, mito, ardhi tepe-tepe. Mamba hula
hasa wanyama wenye uti wa mgongo kama vile samaki, reptilian na mamalia na wakati mwingine hata wale wasio na uti wa
mgongo kama vile jamii ya konokono (moluski) na kaasi kutegemeana na aina yao
hasa. (Crocodiles or crocodile is a large species of reptiles of the order Crocodilia. Crocodiles live aquatic and found many tropical areas in Africa, Asia and Australia, the Americas. Likes to live in cold water such as lakes, rivers, wetlands-tape. Crocodile eats mainly animal vertebrates such as fish, reptiles and mammals and sometimes even those without a backbone as well as the community of snails and suburb depending on their particular species).
ya mamba yanaaminika kuwa na matundu yenye uwezo wa kuhisi, kama ule mstari wa
samaki. Matundu hayo huonekana sana kwenye taya zao za juu na chini. Uwezekano
mwingine ni kuwa matundu hayo ni ya kutolea taka mwili, kwa sababu hutoa kitu
kama mafuta hivi ambacho hutoa/ huondosha matope. Mamba wana kasi sana katika
mwendo mfupi, majini na hata nchi kavu. Sababu mamba hula kwa kumkamata adui,
hivyo wamekuwa na meno ambayo yamechongoka vizuri, na misuli yenye nguvu
inayowezesha taya zake kufunga kwa nguvu na kwa muda mrefu. Taya hizi kufunga
kwa nguvu kubwa na mpaka sasa ndiyo taya zenye uwezo wa kubana/kung’ata kwa
nguvu kuliko mnyama yeyote yule. (Crocodile scales are believed to be capable of sensing holes, as the line of fish. These vents are most visible in their jaw up and down. Another possibility is that it is a provision vents want the body, because it provides something like this oil that provides / to remove the mud. Crocodiles are very fast in a short course, aquatic and even land. Because crocodiles eat to arrest the enemy, so they have pointed teeth which sees well, with powerful muscles that enable its jaws shut with strong and long. These jaws shut with great force and until now are capable of squeezing jaw / bite vigorously than any other animal).
ni washambulizi wa kushitukiza. Husubiri mawindo, samaki au wanyama wengine wanchi
kavu wasogee karibu na kisha kufanya shambulizi la ghafla. Wakiwa wanyama wala
nyama wenye damu baridi. Tundu
za pua za mamba hujifunga wakati wa kuzama majini. Ndimi za mamba huziko huru,
zimeshikiliwa na tishu, na matokeo yake mamba hawawezi kutoa nje ulimi wao. (Have a surprise attacks. Waiting venison, fish or other animals lives in dry land when are closer then make a sudden attack. While animals nor meat with cold blood. Nostrils of crocodile binds when the water sink. The crocodile tongues are free, held by the tissue, and as a result the crocodile can not give out their tongue).
Simba (Lion)
Simba (jina la
kisayansi: Panthera leo) ni mnyama mkubwa mla nyama wa familia ya
felidae katika ngeli ya mamalia. Maana yake
simba hufanana na paka mkubwa. Chakula
chao ni nyama inayopatikana kwa kuwinda wanyama. Dume
anafikia urefu wa sentimita 170 hadi 250, Dume
mkubwa anaweza kuwa na uzito wa kilogramu 150 hadi 250. Jike akiwa
na urefu wa 140 hadi 175 sentimita na uzito wa 150 hadi 180 kilogramu. (Lion (scientific name: Panthera today) is the largest animal meat eater of the Felidae family in mammals would. Means lion is like a huge cat. Their food is meat available for hunting. Patriarch has reached a height of 170 to 250 centimeters. Male may have weight of 150 kg to 250 females having a length of 140 to 175 centimeters and weighing 150 to 180 kilograms).
anatofautishwa kirahisi kutokana na manyoya marefu ya shingoni hali jike hana. Jike
anaanza kuzaa akifikia umri wa miaka 2-3. Baada ya kuwa mjamzito kwa miezi 3
1/2 anazaa watoto 2-3. (The male is easily distinguished from the neck long hair female state does not. The female starts bearing in age of 2-3 years. After being pregnant for 3 1/2 months she had children 2-3).
Simba huishi kwa wastani wa miaka 10-14 mwituni, huku katika hifadhi huweza hata
kufika zaidi ya miaka 20. Mwituni, simba dume ni marachache kuishi zaidi ya
miaka kumi, sababu ya majeraha wanayoyapata kutokana na kupigana mara kwa mara
na dume wengine. Hupatikana
sana katika savanna na nyika. (Lions live for approximately 10-14 years wild, while in storage may even reach more than 20 years the forest, the lion is rarely live more than ten years, because of the injuries they suffered from constant fighting with other male. Occurs widely in savanna and grasslands).