Thursday, January 22, 2015

Safari kuelekea Ruaha National Park/ Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Ruaha na Historia za baadhi ya Wanyama. Je wajua Swara dume anauwezo wa kumiliki Swara jike zaidi ya 20? ..............

Ilikua ni Jumamosi tulivu ya tarehe 17.01.2015 tuliamua kwenda kutembelea Hifadhi ya wanyama ya Ruaha. tulianza safari yetu Mapema sana tukiwa njiani tulifurahia mazingira na kupata picha nyingi za pamoja. 

Hifadhi ya Ruaha ni Hifadhi ya kubwa ya Taifa  Tanzania. Hifadhi ya Ruaha iko katikati ya Tanzania umbali wa kilometa 128 magharibi ya mji wa Iringa. Hifadhi hii ina ukubwa wa kilometa za mraba 1300. Hifadhi hii ni maarufu kwa wanyama aina ya kudu wakubwa na wadogoambao hupatikana kwa wingi katika hifadhi. Ustawi wa hifadhi hii hutegemea kwa kiasi kukubwa

Aina mbalimbali za samaki , viboko, na mamba hupatikana kwa wingi katika mto huu. Wanyama kama pofu na swala pala hunywa maji katika mto Ruaha ambao ni mawindo ya kudumu kwa wanyama wakali kama simba, chui, mbweha, fisi na mbwa mwitu.

Hifadhi hii inao idadi kubwa ya tembo wanaokusanyika katika eneo moja kuliko eneo lingine lolote Africa Mashariki. Hifadhi hii ina sifa ya kuwa na wanyama na mimea karibu yote inayopatikana katika sini na Mashariki mwa Africa.

Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Ruaha pamoja na wingi wa vivutio pia inabeba historia muhimu ya Chifu Mkwawa kiongozi wa Kabila la Wahehe aliyeongoza mapambano dhidi ya Wajerumani katika karne ya 19. 

Ugomvi wa Mkwawa na Wajerumani uliibuka alipowatoza kodi ya kupita kwenye himaya yake. Baada ya Wajerumani kukataa Chifu Mkwawa alifunga njia ya kuelekea Kilwa, uhasama uliozaa vita aliyoshinda kabla ya Wajerumani kujipanga upya.

( Ruaha National Park is the largest national park in Tanzania. Ruaha park located in the center of Tanzania 128 km west of Iringa town. This park has a size of 1,300 square kilometers park is a popular form of "KUDU" animals great and small that are found in abundance in the park. This reserve welfare depend significantly

Different types of fish, hippos, and crocodiles are found in abundance in the river. Animals like eland and antelope pala drink water in Ruaha River which is a permanent prey for wild animals like Lions, Leopards, Jackals, Hyenas and Wolves.)

(The park maintains a large number of elephants are gathered in one place than any other area East Africa. This park has a reputation of having almost all the animals and plants found in southern and eastern Africa.
Ruaha National Park with an abundance of attractions also carries an important history of Chief dictionaries Hehe tribe leader who led the fight against the Germans in the 19th century. 

Variance of dictionaries and Germans emerged he powatoza tax passed on its territory. After the Germans refuse to Chief dictionaries scored the route to Kilwa, tensions were producing war he yoshinda before the Germans organize.)


Chifu Mkwawa aliyejiua badala ya kujisalimisha kwa adui, nyayo zake zinaacha ushahidi muhimu na alama ya ushindi kama kiongozi ambaye sehemu ya historia yake inapatikana eneo hili.

Malipo kidogo ya kuingia ndani ya hifadhi ni kuenzi utamaduni ulioasisiwa na Chifu Mkwawa aliyetaka kutumia kodi kuimarisha himaya yake kama ambavyo lazima kugharamia masuala ya utalii na uhifadhi.

(Dictionaries chief who committed suicide rather than surrender to the enemy, his footsteps leaves the evidence necessary to mark the victory as a leader who is part of this area's history available.
Small charge entry into the park is to honor the culture originated by Chief dictionaries who want to use taxes to strengthen his empire as necessary to cover the issues of tourism and conservation.)

 Kijiji cha Idodi karibu na Hifadhi hiyo tukipumzika na kupata picha kidogo
 (Idodi village near the park that we rest and get a little picture)

 Furaha inaendelea (Happy)

 Mazoezi pia yalikuwepo

 Nje ya Geti la Kwanza la Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Ruaha.(First gate out of Ruaha National Park.)

Nje ya Geti la Kwanza la Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Ruaha. (First gate out of Ruaha National Park.)



 Picha ya Pamoja nje ya Geti. 

Baada ya Picha ya pamoja tulianza kupokea maelezo kutoka kwa kiongozi wa ziara. (After Photos we started  receiving information from a Tour guide)

Tulipo ingia ndani tulienda moja kwa moja katika ofisi zao ili kupata mtu atakaye tuongoza katika Mbuga. (When we went in we went straight into their offices to find a person who will guide us in the park).
 Ofisi za za Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Ruaha 

Sasa tuanze kuangalia Historia ya Baadhi ya wanyama. (Now we should start looking at history of some animals).

SWALA (Antelope)

Swala ni Mnyama mwenye umbo dogo kidogo ukilinganisha na wanyama pori wengine. Na Swala ni mnyama anayewindwa na wanyama wengine porini kwani hana nguvu za kupambana. Kwa Kawaida Swala dume huwa na pembe tofauti na Swala jike yeye hana pembe. Japo kua kuna Swala wa ina tofauti tofauti. (Antelope is the Beast shapely little small compared to other wild animals. And  are animal hunted by wild animals as impotent to fight. Usually the male have different angles and female  haven't horns).
 Swala jike wakiwa wamepumzika.

 Swala Dume

Swala dume anapokuwa unauwezo wa kumiliki Swala jike zaidi ya 20. Na ili kuwapata inamlazimu avizie Swala mwenye kijiji chake na kupambana naye anapomshinda yeye humiliki familia hiyo. Mala nyingi Swala ambao hawaja bahatika kupata familia hutembea pamoja.


Ndovu au tembo ni aina za wanyama wenye umbo kubwa kupita wanyama mwitu wote. Watoto wake wakizaliwa hufikia kilogramu 100 na ndovu mzima huwa na uzito wa tani 2 hadi 5; kimo ni hadi mita 4.
Kibiolojia ni mamalia. Sehemu ya pekee mwilini ni mwiro ambao hali halisi ni pua la tembo iliyo refuka na kufanya kazi pia kama mkono wake yaani kwa kutumia mwiro tembo hushika vitu, anafanya utafiti kwa kugusa gusa.
Meno yake yanatafutwa sana kama mapambo na biashara ya meno ya ndovu imeshakuwa hatari kabisa kwa tembo wote kwa sababu tembo wanavindwa mno. Hivyo kwa mapatano ya kimataifa biashara ya meno haya imepigwa marufuku. Tembo huishi kwa kwa miaka 50-70

(Elephant  is shaped animal species with large pass all the wild animals. His children were born reaches 100 kg adult elephant and weigh 2 to 5 tons; height is up to 4 meters.

Biological are mammals. The only part of the body is the trunk of an elephant whose reality is the elephant nose that grows and work well as his hand that is by using the elephant trunk of an elephant holding objects, is doing research for touch touch.

His teeth are being sought widely as an ornamental and commercial elephant tusks experiencing quite risky for both elephants because elephants are grown considerably. So for international trade pact this dentist banned. Elephants live for 50-70 years

Ndovu hula manyasi na majani mengi. Kwa chakula ambacho ni kigumu hutegemea meno yao. Meno haya yana chakaa kutokana na ugumu wa nyasi na baadae kuharibu meno yote ndovu hufa.

Ndovu wengi mno wanaharibu miti. Wanapenda majani ya miti na hivyo wanavunja matawi ili wapate majani. Wakiweza wanaangusha  mti wote kwa chakula. Uharibifu huu ni tatizo katika mbuga za wanyama kadhaa ambako ndovu haziwezi kutoka nje.

Meno ya tembo ni tofauti sana na yale ya mamalia wengine. Wakati wa maisha yao yote, huwa na jumla ya meno 28. Tembo hutumia mkonga kwa kazi mbalimbali mojawapo kusaidia jicho lake lisi patwe na dhoruba, Tembo pia hutegemea mkonga kwa ajili ya kunusa. Kwa kuinua mkonga hewani na kuyumbisha pande zote, Kama ilivyo kwa binadamu, wanapokuwa wanazoea kutumia sana mkono wa kulia ama kwa wengine wa kushoto, vivyo hivyo tembo nao huwa na maamuzi katika kutumia aidha pembe ya kushoto au kulia. Pembe inayotumika sana, huitwa penge kuu, huwa fupi kidogo, na lililo lika kidogo kwenye ncha yake kutokana na matumizi. Tembo wote wa Africa, dume na jike huwa na pembe kubwa zinazoweza kufikia mita 3 kwa urefu na uzito wa kilo 90. Tembo wana ngozi pana sana kwenye asilimia kubwa ya msuli wao na hukaribia sentimeta 2.5 kwa upana. Japo ngozi kwenye mdomo na sikioni ina upana wa karatasi tu. 

(Elephants eat grass and leaves. For food that is hard to hang their teeth. These teeth are decaying due to the difficulty of the grass and then destroy all teeth elephant dies.

Too many elephants destroy trees. They like leaves and branches so that they might break leaves. If people can they throw down all trees for food. This damage is a problem in several wildlife parks where elephants can not get out.

Ivory are very different from those of other mammals. At the time of their lives, have a total of 28 teeth Elephant trunk to use various functions one real help getting his eye storm, Elephants also depend trunk for smelling. To lift the trunk into the air to discourage round, Like humans, they become very accustomed to using the right hand or to the rest of the left, so the elephants and they tend to have a decision on using either the left or right. Widely used horn, called the main do exist, they are a little short, and what little instinct on his tip from use. All the African elephant, male and female, have large horns that can reach 3 meters in length and weighing 90 kg Elephants have a very broad absorption in a large percentage of their muscle and nearly 2.5 inches in width. Although skin in the mouth and ear has a width of the paper only).

Twiga (Giraffe)

Twiga ni mnyama wa Afrika, ambaye ni mamalia mwenye kwato shufwa, aliye mrefu kuliko wanyama wote wa nchi kavu. Mwili wake umepambwa kwa madoa yasiyo na umbo maalumu, yenye rangi ya njano mapaka nyeusi na kutenganishwa na rangi nyeupe, au rangi ya manjano-kahawia. Uzito wa twiga dume ni kilogramu 1,191 huku twiga jike akifikia uzito wa kilogramu 828. Ana urefu wa kimo cha mita 4.3 mpaka 5.2 japokuwa twiga aliyevunja rekodi, ni yule aliyekuwa na urefu wa mita 6. (Giraffe is an African animal, a mammal who hides uneven, has taller than all the beasts of the land. His body is adorned with spots without special shaped, pale yellow with black cats and separated from the white, or yellow-brown. The weight of the male giraffe is 1,191 kilograms while the female giraffe has reached the weight of 828 kg. He has a height of 4.3 meters tall to 5.2 although the giraffe, who broke the record, is the one who had a length of 6 meters).

Twiga wana shingo ndefu wanaoitumia kula majani ya miti mirefu kabisa. Twiga wana pingili saba za mifupa ya shingoni, kama wanyama wengine, japo baadhi ya wataalamu wanadai zipo nane zaidi, mifupa hiyo ina maungio (Giraffes have long necks that used to eat the leaves of tall trees at all. Giraffes have seven nodes of the neck bones, like other animals, although some experts claim there are eight more, skeleton that has connectors)

Jinsia zote wana pembe, japo pembe za twiga jike ni ndogo. Na kwa pembe hizi unaweza ukatambua jinsia ya twiga kwa urahisi, kwa sababu twiga jike wana nywele juu ya nundu za pembe zao, huku pembe za twiga dume zikiwa na vipara tu. Twiga ana miguu mirefu sana, kwa kadiri ya 10% zaidi ya miguu ya nyumbu. Mwendo wa twiga ni wa maringo. (Both sexes have horns, although the horns of a female giraffe is small. And for these angles can be realized easily gender giraffe, giraffe because females have bunches of hair on their horns, while the horns of a bull giraffe just being impatient. Giraffe has very long legs, according to 10% over the feet of a mule. Motion of a giraffe is pride).

Twiga jike hujikusanya pamoja kwenye makundi ambao wakati mwingine hujumuisha twiga dume wadogo. Twiga dume wadogo hao hupenda kujiunga na dume wakubwa. Utafiti wa mwaka 1920 ulithibitisha kuwa twiga hawachangamani na twiga wasio wa kundi moja. Pia pindi dume atakapo kumpanda jike, basi huchagua yeyote aliye katika kipindi cha joto, kwenye kundi lolote. Twiga dume hutambua twiga jike walio katika kipindi cha joto kwa kuonja ladha ya mikojo yao. Twiga huchangamana vizuri na wanyama wengine wala nyasi. (Female giraffes are gathered together in groups sometimes include young male giraffe. Young male giraffe like to join the older male. Research in 1920 proved to be no dealings with the giraffe without one group. Also when he will ride the bull female, then choose anyone in the warm period, in any group. Giraffe male detects a female giraffe who during the heat to taste the urine. Giraffe mixes well with other animals nor grass).

Twiga hubeba mimba kwa siku 400 mpaka 460 ambapo mara nyingi huzaa ndama mmoja japo mapacha hutokea mara kadhaa. Mama hujifungua akiwa amesimama na kende lake hukatika mtoto aangukapo ardhini. Ndama akizaliwa huwa na urefu wa mita 1.8. Twiga hukadiriwa kuishi miaka 20–25 mwituni na miaka 28 wakifugwa nje ya mbuga. (Giraffe pregnancy carries 400 to 460 days where often bears one calf, though twins occur several times. Mothers give birth standing with his testicles in a child who falls to the ground. Calf was born to tend to a height of 1.8 meters. Giraffe is estimated to be 20-25 years wild and 28 years were kept out of the park).

Twiga hula majani ya miti, na pia hula nyasi nyingi na matunda. Ulimi wake ni mgumu sababu mlo wa twiga huhusisha miiba pia. Twiga anaweza kula mpaka kilo 29 za majani kwa siku, lakini anaweza hata kustahimili kwa kilo 6.8 tu za nyasi. (Giraffes eat the leaves of trees, and also eats grass and fruit. His tongue is difficult because of the giraffe diet involves thorns too. Giraffe can eat until 29 kg of leaves per day, but cannot even bear to just 6.8 kg of grass).

Hizi ni baadhi tu ya Historia za wanyama tutaendelea na wanyama wengine wakati mwingine. Usikose kusoma tena. Karibu sana.....................


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